Helping you maintain excellent oral health

The most common reason to visit your dentist is for your regular examination appointment. We recommend you have a check up every six months, so that any early decay can be spotted before it gets the chance to cause more damage.

Why do I need a dental examination?

It is important to attend a dental examination on a regular basis so we can identify any potential problems and take appropriate action. If left untreated, tooth decay can cause the total loss of a tooth within a year, which we would otherwise have been able to avoid. We can also spot if your brushing routine at home needs any improvement, and give tips and guidance to help you protect your smile from any future issues.

What will happen at my examination?

Firstly, we would carry out an oral cancer check and then we would examine the soft tissues inside your mouth, looking for signs of ulcerations or other lesions. We may also check your jaws and associated muscles, making sure your bite is not misaligned.

We thoroughly check your teeth, looking for any decay, cavities and broken fillings or crowns. Dental decay can appear as a hole or sometimes as a dark shadow underneath the surface of the enamel. If there is a hole present in one of your teeth, we may place a temporary filling to stop food accumulating in it.

Your dentist will also check your gums and ask some questions about your general health and oral hygiene routine to ensure there are no issues present. We may also use a special instrument to check the depth of the pockets between your teeth and gums and detect any gum disease early.

If necessary, we take x-rays of your teeth and gums. These are usually taken every two years and show us any hidden decay and the condition of your jaw bone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I need to see the dentist?

You may not need to return for a routine examination every six months, especially if your teeth and gums are in great condition. Your dentist will be able to advise when you should book your next appointment. We suggest visiting once per year as a minimum.

I wear dentures - do I still need a dental examination?

Some full denture wearers assume that because they have no teeth there is no need for them to have a dental examination. With increasing age, the chance of lesions or signs of oral cancers forming within the mouth increases and it is therefore important for your dentist to be able to check this. Dentures also become loose over time and may need checking or refitting.