Spread out your monthly payments for dental treatment over a year, rather than paying each time you come in.

Denplan has two dental plans to suit your needs. If you would like to sign up to one of these plans, please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below or call 01367 253685.

Denplan prices all include optional worldwide dental emergency and injury insurance cover. If you choose not to take out this optional insurance the monthly fee is reduced by 60p

Denplan Care

Spread out the cost of all your dental treatment (laboratory bills not included)



Denplan Essentials


£22.50 a month
£35 a month
£12.50 a month
£14.40 a month

2 exams & 2 hygiene visits a year
2 exams & 4 hygiene visits a year
1 exam a year
1 exam and 1 hygiene visit a year

Essentials and Care covers emergency dental treatment away from home. Being seen outside our normal surgery hours is not included.

Denplan for Children

Twice a year dental exam, fluoride varnish

6 – 9 years
10 – 18 years
18 – 21 years

Complete Preventative dental care for your child (6 – 18 years)

£15.50 per month

To reduce the chance of children having cavities as they grow, every six months your child will have a 30 minute dental health check.
This includes:

  • Dental exam twice a year (worth £49 x2)
  • Hygiene (£102)
  • Fissure sealant (£49 each)
  • Fluoride varnish (£28 per visit)
  • Routine X-Rays (£26.80 once every two years)

Children under 6 may be recommended this by their dentist if they are at a high risk of cavities.

Please ask a member of staff for more information.